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About Us

Welcome . I’m Jens, in my early 30s. People who are close to me describe me as empathetic , humorous , sociable and mostly easy – going – as long as I have enough personal freedom and a good coffee is regularly within reach. Born and raised in the vicinity, Stuttgart has been the center of my life for over 6 years . Thanks to my previous life path, I can pursue an activity with Name Life Coaching that fulfills my need for meaning and in harmony with thestrengths of my personality . My motto in life: Live and let live – but definitely taking into account Erich Fromm’s words „Live instead of being lived“ . 

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The question of my WHY

“ You can’t repeat the first impression „. It’s correct. However, drawing hasty conclusions about your counterpart or situations is not a solution either! On the contrary – in many cases this can become a problem.

I have always approached other people with a great deal of empathy , impartiality and appreciation , I was interested in their concerns and could easily adopt a different perspective . In return, I am often a valued discussion partner and I usually succeed in establishing a basis of trust with others in a short time. Today I know that these personality traits and skills are among my key strengths and I have the courage to live them and use them sensibly. But that was not always so.

As straightforward as a person ’s path in life  may appear from the outside , it sometimes appears as confused , unclear and unhappy to those affected themselves. But how is that possible? 

Looking back on a  roller coaster ride through ups and downs in life , I was able to gain key insights . The causes of ambiguity, dissatisfaction or perceived lack of success are often sought outside . But what often actually hinders you is hidden inside . Fear, ignorance, doubt, destructive thoughts and negative beliefs – regarding one’s own wishes, needs and abilities, regarding personal goals or with regard to a self-determined life .

What is stopping you from leading a satisfied and self-determined life – a life full of clarity , in which you yourself define what success means to you and set your goals accordingly and take action ?

Life coaching can support you with valuable insights, impulses and new perspectives .
I look forward to accompanying you on your way!


Career and qualifications - milestones "today" to "then"

Are you looking for answers, for clarification and reflection so that you can change something in your life and make it better? Do you want to find out what really matters to you and who you want to be as a person? Do you wish for more ease and self-efficacy in your life? Or would you like to find your inner compass that will help you make decisions more easily?

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